See discussions, st ats, and author pr ofiles f or this public ation at : https://www t/public ation/225135255 Adaptive compensation control of vehicle automatic transmissions for smooth shift transients based on intelligent su pervisor Article    in  Journal of Mechanic al Scienc e and T echnolog y · No vember 2001 DOI: 10.1007/BF03185736 CITATIONS 5READS 2,257 4 author s, including: Some o f the author s of this public ation ar e also w orking on these r elat ed pr ojects: Blood V olume St atus Estimation via Smart We arable Syst ems View pr oject Cardiovascular (C V) He alth Monit oring View pr oject Jin-Oh Hahn Univ ersity of Mar yland, Colle ge Park 148 PUBLICA TIONS    1,889 CITATIONS     SEE PROFILE Kyo-Il Lee Seoul National Univ ersity 21 PUBLICA TIONS    356 CITATIONS     SEE PROFILE All c ontent f ollo wing this p age was uplo aded b y Jin-Oh Hahn on 13 Januar y 2015. The user has r equest ed enhanc ement of the do wnlo aded file.1472KSMEInternational Journal; VoL15No.11,pp.1472-1481, 2001 Adaptive Compensation ControlofVehicleAutomatic Transmissions forSmoothShift Transients Based on Intelligent Supervisor Deok-Ho Kim* Microsystem Research Center, Korea Institute ofScience and Technology, Seoul130-650. Korea Jin-OhHahn Graduate School, School ofMechanical andAerospace Engineering, SeoulNational University, Seoul151-742, Korea Byung-Kwan Shin Advanced Research Center, Hyundai Motor Company Kyo-IILee SchoolofMechanical andAerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul151-742, Korea In thispaper,anadvanced shiftcontroller thatsupervises the shift transients withadaptive compensation ispresented. Modernshiftcontrolsystems for vehicle automatic transmission are designed toprovidesmoothtransients forpassengers' comfortandbettercomponent durability. In theconventional methods, lotsoftestingandcalibration works have been donetotunegains ofthecontroller, butit does not assure optimum shiftqualityat all times owingto system variations oftencausedbyuncertainties inshiftinghydraulic systems and external disturbances. In theproposed controlscheme, an adaptive compensation controller withintelligent supervisor isimplemented to achieve improved shiftqualityover the system variations. Thecontrolinput patternwhichgenerates clutchpressure commands inhydraulic actuating systems, isupdated through alearning process to adjustfor each subsequent shiftbasedoncontinuous monitoring ofshiftingperformance andenvironmental changes. The proposed algorithm isimplemented andevaluated on theexperimental test setup. Results from the experimental studiesfor several operation modesshowbothimproved performance andadaptability oftheproposed shift controller touncertain changes oftheshiftingenvironment in vehicle powertransmission systems. KeyWords:Adaptive Compensation, ShiftController, Intelligent Supervisor, PowerTrans­ missionSystems 1.Introduction Nowadays, manyofthepassenger carsadopt automatic transmissions forshifting gears,and •Corresponding Author, E-mail: [email protected] TEL:+82·2·958·5616; FAX:+82·2·958·6909 Microsystem Research Center,KoreaInstituteofScience andTechnology, Seoul130-650, Korea.(Manuscript Received February 2, 2001;Revised August20, 2001)studies on achieving smoothshifttransients under alloperating conditions havebeen extensively carriedout by means of bothhardware improve­ ment and algorithm development. Modern shift controlsystems for vehicle automatic transmissi­ on are designed to providesmoothtransients for passenger comfort andbettercomponent durability. In theconventional methods, much testing and calibration workshave been done to tunegains for a controller, butit does not assureAdaptive Compensation Control ofVehicleAutomatic Transmissionsfor Smooth Shift->- 1473 optimum shiftqualityat all times owing to system variations oftencaused byuncertainties in shifting hydraulic systems and external disturbances. In recent years, electronically con­ trolledtransmissions withdirectcontrolofthe c

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